Welcome to Christ Apostolic Church Hastings
From the desk of the Pastor
With utmost pleasure and in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I welcome all lovers of God and His work to our church’s website. We are Christ Apostolic Church, a Bible and prayer believing Pentecostal church, a branch of Surrey Docks District, having our headquarters in London.
Our branch in Hastings is a relatively young and up-coming but we are by the grace of God making appreciable progress. This notwithstanding however, we have a peculiar uniqueness in that our congregation is formed of very diverse nationalities. Up to fifteen (15) countries are represented in the church, and to the glory of God, this is being used to a great advantage. Our chosen appellation is ‘CITADEL OF PRAISE FOR ALL NATIONS’. We are proud to say that ours is a sanctuary where every nation and tongue congregate to worship in an atmosphere of love, peace and unity.
Hastings itself, is an historical peaceful city, situated by the sea side. This has therefore made it to be a tourist centre for people not only from London, but from all over the United Kingdom and even beyond. It’s no doubt that it is a place any peace-loving, fun-loving person would love to be.
Should you be led to join us for worship, I urge you not to hesitate in taking a step in this direction, assuring you that a good time awaits you in the presence of the Lord where you will obtain fullness of joy from the God’s throne of grace. We charge you as in Psalm 34:8 to come and “taste and see that the LORD is good...” A trial will surely convince you!
Our contact details are as presented on this site. We shall be pleased to see you. God bless you as you come. SHALOM.
Yours in His service by His grace for His glory,
Johnson O. Siwoku.
Be happy
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4 In Christ Jesus, we have victory in all ways, the word of God would always strengthen you in moments of troubles and doubt.
Join a group
We have various groups in the church saddled with the responsibility of reaching out to everyone through evangelism, social meetings, music and prayer meetings. You are welcome to join any of the groups in the church.
Meet Our Pastors
Team Members

Pastor Jide Siwoku
PastorPastor Jide Siwoku was a born and bred CAC child. He functioned in many capacities as a choir boy, church choirmaster/organist, and church secretary in Nigeria before and after he was called and ordained as a pastor in the year 2001 by the authorities of Christ Apostolic Church, Worldwide. Prior to his call into the ministry, he worked as a teacher, civil servant and banker.
He attended Universities in Nigeria for graduate and post-graduate studies in Philosophy/Sociology and Financial Management. He also possess draduate and post graduate degree qualifications in theological studies from Trinity College, USA through Christ the Redeemer College, London and University of Wales through Spurgeon’s College, London.
By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he came up with the Pathfinder Devotional, a quarterly publication on which he has published up to twelve editions. Pastor Siwoku is presently the Pastor in charge of Christ Apostolic Church Hastings. He has passion for teaching, preaching the word, writing as well as in reading Christian literature books. He is happily married and blessed with adorable children.
Team Members

Pastor (Dr) Timothy Adeyinka
PastorPastor (Dr) Timothy Adeyinka is one of the founding members of Christ Apostolic Church Hastings. He is a medical doctor by profession and a seasoned teacher of the Bible